Almond Cookies
Cookies ni buat hari ahad lepas...resipi yang mudah dan sedap.Tapi tak puas hati dengan rupanya yang kurang nipis berbanding resipi asal. Sila rujuk ke untuk lihat rupa sebenar dan resipi. Ia betul-betul nipis dan 'crispy'.Saya ikut semua bahan kecuali kurangkan gula kepada 100 gram supaya kurang manis. Bila ada kelapangan nanti nak buat edisi pembetulan supaya dapat hasil yang benar-benar nipis.
Beat by hand. (An electric blender will cause bubbles.) | |
2 1/2 eggs | |
Add and mix well: | |
2/3 cup (130 grams) sugar | |
Add and mix: | |
1/2 cup + 1 tbsp. (52 grams) cake flour 1/2 tsp .vanilla | |
Add and mix well. Cover and store in a fridge for about 1/2 hour: | |
6 oz. (about 180 grams) sliced almonds | |
Apply salad oil generously on the surface of the aluminum foil with a piece of paper towel. Place a tablespoonful cookie dough, 2 inches apart. | |
Flatten as evenly and thinly as possible with a spatula so that the almond slices would be one layer if possible. | |
Bake at 250 to 270F (121 C) for 20 to 30 min. or until brown. If the cookie is baked unevenly, like this photo below, break off the crispy part and put back the unbaked part into the oven and bake longer until it turns brown. This tends to happen if either the cookie dough is not evenly thin or the temperature inside the oven is not even. | |
Remove the cookie from the cookie sheet and place it on the flat and cool surface. When the cookie is cool and hardened, peel off the foil. The foil should come off easily if you applied enough salad oil. | |
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Thanks for your recipe, Tomoko! | |
sedapnya nampak Za. tak susah ke buat. Bagi ler review cara2 sikit.
nanti ya siti..selalu lupa nak upload gambar cara...senang aje nak buat cookies ni..cubalah ya :D
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